Partly Facetious: PM says he has nothing to do with Arsalan
"Imran needs to learn how to play by the rules."
"And what rules are these?"
"Unwritten rules, you know like the rules that guide his sussraal (in laws or his country by marriage) - if a member of the public instigates a case against you for disqualification from sitting in parliament then you don't adopt a tit for tat policy and level even more heinous charges against the man who you feel, mind feel without proof, then that's not playing politics a la Pakistani style."
"OK but Mian sahib says he has nothing to do with Iftikhar Arsalan."
"I thought it was the other way round."
"What? That Imran Khan has proof? Let me remind you that notwithstanding all the claims made by an artist's former husband, there is no DNA proof."
"By the other way round I meant that the name is Arsalan Iftikhar and in response to what you said I don't know what you are referring to?"
"Well neither do I then, but the point is Mian sahib and Zardari sahib play by the old well established unwritten rules: refrain from directly attacking each other until its around election time and let the minions make the attack. Khan sahib launches direct salvos and doesn't use suitable low level intermediaries..... The party desperately needs a go-between."
"I get it... because Arsalan is the man who was inexplicably appointed as the vice president of Balochistan Investment Board, one of the richest natural resource provinces of the country, and a province where the PML-N allowed Dr Malik to form his government...and I emphasise the word allowed so.."
"OK I see where Imran Khan's party is coming from but why doesn't Mian sahib talk to Imran Khan and come up with a solution. I would propose that he simply allows bye elections in a few constituencies and.... "
"He can't because he doesn't expect to win as a consequence of Dar's flawed economic policies..."
'But he is unlikely to lose his government..."
"Yes but it may well happen that Imran Khan becomes the leader of the opposition and what would that do to the PML-N and PPP understanding."
"Oh dear, politics is such a complicated chessboard."
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